Pluricentric Languages in Africa and in Other Regions of the World

This volume contains the proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Pluricentric Languages and their Non-Dominant Varieties. It comprises papers that discuss several pluricentric languages and their non-dominant varieties from different regions of the world, much in keeping with the diverse range of topics that were presented at the online conference that was hosted by the University of Leipzig on August 23-24, 2023. As the subtitle of the conference was Pluricentric Languages, Multilingualism, and Linguistic Dehegemonisation in Africa, the primary focus of the volume is also on pluricentric languages in a highly diverse, multilingual African context. The contributions in the second part of the volume (i.e. the final five papers) are concerned with topics that are related to pluricentric languages and their non-dominant varieties in other areas of the world, such as the Americas, Europe, and the Middle East.

Pluricentric Theory beyond Dominance and Non-dominance: A Critical View

Pluricentric Theory beyond dominance and Non-Dominance: A Critical View

The present volume contains ten contributions. Six of them were presented in Stockholm at the workshop “The Theory and Description of Pluricentric Languages- Beyond Concepts of Dominance and Non-Dominance, which was hosted at the conference “The Languages, Nations, Cultures: Pluricentric Languages in Context(s) Conference was held at Stockholm University in May 2019. Four other contributions have been accepted because some of the papers presented at the workshop could not be delivered because of difficulties beyond the control of the authors.
Although many of these papers still utilize the concepts of dominance and non-dominance, they are used to advance the theory of pluricentricity in general or are used as tools to explain other linguistic or social phenomena. Each contribution, in its own way, is a testimony to the usefulness of pluricentricity as a theoretical framework. And, they show that the alternative concept of “pluriareality” that is favoured by some linguists working on German has no theoretical basis and cannot describe pluricentric languages correctly.

Pluricentric Languages: New Perspectives in Theory and Description.

The volume comprises papers about theoretical aspects of pluricentricity and methods of description of variation in pluricentric languages; Pioneering papers about “new” pluricentric languages and “new” non-dominant varieties that have not been described before; Pluricentric languages that are used alongside indigenous languages; The pluricentricity of special languages.