Hungarian as a Pluricentric Language in Language and Literature
Preface This volume comprises 19 papers that were presented at the “6th World Conference of Pluricentric Languages and their non-dominant Varieties”, organized by the “International working Group on Non-dominant Varieties of Pluricentric Languages” (WGNDV). The overall theme of the conference was“ Pluricentric Languages in Europe in Contact and Conflict”. It was held at the Constantine the […]
Pluricentric Languages and Non-Dominant Varieties Worldwide: New pluricentric languages-old problems
This volume comprises 30 selected papers that were presented at the “5th World Conference of Pluricentric Languages and their non-dominant Varieties (WCPCL) held at the University of Mainz (Germany) in 2017. The authors come from 15 countries and deal with 14 pluricentric languages and 31 (non-dominant) varieties around the world. The number of known PLCLs has again been extended. There are now 43 PLCLs in all. Apart from a large number of papers on Spanish, French and Portuguese, “new” and little researched PLCLs are also presented in the volume: Albanian, Hungarian, Malay, Persian, Somali and Romanian.