European Pluricentric Languages in Contact and Conflict

Preface This volume comprises 16 papers. Twelve of them were presented at the “6th World Conference of Pluricentric Languages and their non-dominant Varieties”. The overall theme of the conference was “Pluricentric Languages in Europe in Contact and Conflict”. It was held at the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (Slovakia) on June 21–23 2018. Five […]

Pluricentric Languages and Non-Dominant Varieties Worldwide: New pluricentric languages-old problems

This volume comprises 30 selected papers that were presented at the “5th World Conference of Pluricentric Languages and their non-dominant Varieties (WCPCL) held at the University of Mainz (Germany) in 2017. The authors come from 15 countries and deal with 14 pluricentric languages and 31 (non-dominant) varieties around the world. The number of known PLCLs has again been extended. There are now 43 PLCLs in all. Apart from a large number of papers on Spanish, French and Portuguese, “new” and little researched PLCLs are also presented in the volume: Albanian, Hungarian, Malay, Persian, Somali and Romanian.